• bye bye days

    The days are just rushing by, aren’t they? In a good way. Kids brought home disease already and I caught it today. Trying not to succumb. The man went and bought me some sprite. It’s good to be married to…

  • Saturday

    I decided today that I would paint my office. I’d been dithering about whether I wanted to bother and what sort of work it would take and all that sort of thing. Basically, it was undecided whether laziness would win.…

  • dribbling by the day

    Here’s where I’m at for Trace of Magic. If all goes well, I’ll be done in 3-4 weeks. So far I’m pretty happy with it. I haven’t read it as a whole yet, so that could change. It’s also got…

  • Waxing and waning

    For the first time I have hit a spot in this novel where the scene isn’t working. I know what the problem is. One of the characters isn’t coming through fully here, so it’s feeling very flat and plastic. On…

  • Officially official

    What happened today: I am now an Oregon Driver. I had to take the written test. I had test anxiety, I can tell you. But all was well and I achieved a license with a better picture than my last…