• Trace of Magic Snippet

    I finally FINALLY finished my revision of Trace of Magic and sent it back to my editor. I really like it and hope that I’m right. Anyhow, in honor of finishing, here’s a snippet for you.   A week later,…

  • accumulation of stuff

    That title isn’t all that accurate. I’m not talking about actual stuff, but stuff I wanted to talk about. And life. The first thing is odd. I was driving home from Norwescon and saw a billboard that said “Jesus died…

  • Digging through the work

    I’ve got deadlines massing. Like when they talk about earthquakes swarming before a volcanic blast. Just like that. I’m working on Trace of Magic revisions, which are coming along nicely. I turned in an essay and expect revision notes soon.…

  • checking in on life

    I don’t have a lot of updates on the boy. Still barfing, though he is sleeping better. I have several things to get done over the next six weeks. 1) make any updates/changes to The Cipher for reissue, 2) revise…

  • In which a book is completed

    Trace of Magic is done and sent off to my editor and agent. I’m sure there will be comments and revisions to come, but for now, it’s a done book. Finally. I had it drafted weeks ago, but with all…

  • and another day bites the dust

    Boy is still not getting better. Trying all I can to get him into a gastroenterologist sooner rather than later. Holidays make this tougher, as is the need for a pediatric gastroenterologist. Cuts the number of docs that he can…

  • Doodads and updates and snippet

    I forgot to mention that I finished Trace of Magic a couple days ago. Go me! I talk about ending it over at Magical Words today. Specifically about ending creep. I’m pretty happy with the book so far, but only…

  • writing endings and John Pitts

    I finished a chapter today (the one I thought was the last chapter in this book) and promptly started the next last chapter. This ending is one that I’m discovering as I go. I’m feeling my way and it’s frustrating…

  • Gonna have to

    I’m just going to have to give in to going to the bone-cracker. Luckily, I met a massage therapist at Orycon who works locally in a chiro office. Now I just have to make the appointment. I keep getting headaches…

  • dogs and mountainsand a snippet

    Corgis are the cutest dogs ever. Here are mine, being spoiled and cute. And then there’s this picture of Mount Shasta, near Weed, featured in Crimson Wind. If you don’t know about that, why not? The man smashed his hand…