• Music requests

    I’m in the mood for some new music. So I’ve come to you for suggestions. What I like is rock n’ roll. That includes 80s hairbands and pink floyd and Iron Maiden, but not stuff like Linkin Park. For me…

  • writer neuroses

    Actually, this comes under the topic of neuroses, but I’m only covering one here. The fear of running out of ideas. That includes general plot ideas as well as world ideas, characters, and even clothing and food ideas. I live…

  • Snippet

    From the work in progress: “You ought to kill this new ambassador,” Olyeron told his father absently as he moved a stone on the merti board. “Soon. Where’s he from?” Seavik watch his son beneath lowered lids. “Is that opinion…

  • In the name of updatery

    Did you know that if you don’t write a blog post, nothing happens? I mean, no words magically appear? It’s exactly like book writing. If you don’t write the words, they don’t just show up on the screen. Darnit. I’ve…

  • Writing

    Progressed some on the writing today and it’s interesting to see how the world develops and how the characters develop. It goes slower than I want, but sort of in that way that happens when you’re wandering through an antique…

  • computer talk

    Let’s start by saying I’m not a tech person. I frequently have NO idea what I’m doing. But I found out about this program call CleanMyMac the other day and so I got it for my two macs. Cleaned up…

  • Lucky

    I am one of the lucky ones at the moment. The temps here are in the 80s. (I’m a heat wimp, so that seems hottish, but nothing like so many others). I’d rather be out on the Oregon coast right…

  • Writering angst

    I’m working on another project, working title Soul Mage. It’s traditional fantasy. Here’s the Pinterest board on it if you’re interested. Anyhow, I had the entire thing plotted and was starting to write the initial chapters, when another character stepped…

  • The cutting room floor

    I finished the revisions of Blood Winter. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, I cut a whole lot and added a whole lot. At least half of the book is new. There’s a whole other blog post to be…

  • Of chickens and revision

    Today I got a call from a friend who’d been attacked by a wooden chicken while cleaning and ended up with two broken bones, a chipped bone, and some ligament issues in one of her hands. This same friend is…