• the work and the boy

    The boy was scoped today. I videotaped some of him being really goofy on drugs. The doc found nothing in particular so far. We wait for biopsies. There was one small nodule that could be something or not, and that…

  • panic attack

    I’ve had an endoscopy. It’s not that bad. I don’t remember much and I had a sort throat after. It was pretty non-traumatic. Okay, that’s actually a lie. Because it was paired with a colonoscopy, it was terrible. Mostly the…

  • What I’m tired of

    I’m really of tired of not being able to plot out stories; of my head refusing to sort out a plot before I write. It’s incredibly annoying and it slows down what I want to do. Lately I’ve been getting…

  • back and forward and reading and writing

    The boy went to the gastro yesterday and there are tests underway. One of which requires collecting a stool sample, and so we are waiting for that to, ahem, arrive. But he started barfing even more, despite increasing the dosage…

  • moving right along

    Today I got relatively little accomplished. I read Lisa Shearin’s The Grendel Affair, which was really excellent and you should go read it right now. I liked the characters, the concept, and the worldbuilding. Good action and great camaraderie among…

  • Beginning freezing

    I posted that little bit  the other day of a story I wanted to work on. And then I promptly froze. It was so easy and so fun to write, and then I froze. I know a bit about the…