manners and lack thereof
Guster, the rescue corgi, has now gone on to his home with my parents. He will hopefully be very happy. He’s a loving dog, but really scared after all the clear abuse he must have had from his former people. I’d really like to kick them around a little. But anyhow. Back to the subject.
Gus is a really athletic corgi and he was willing to jump on any furniture at any time. And now . . . Voodoo is doing the same. He no longer cares if he asked. He just bounces up and then rolls around on the couch with evident delight. Or jumps up and walks across my laptop keyboard and lays down, covering one or all of the following: one arm, both arms, half the keyboard, all the keyboard, the touchpad, and the screen.
Is it bad manners if he’s so cute that you can’t stop him?
Now that’s bad enough, but Viggo has begun shoving the kids off my lap if he wants to lay there. He jumps up and lumps on top of them and licks until they have to retreat.
I believe both dogs have begun calling my laptop: The Interloper. Or possibly: The Invader. Both seem to hurry to get to my lap before it can get there.
In other news, I could probably make a dozen pillows from the hair they are losing. These are small dogs. Where the heck is it all coming from?