from the land of the wet

You haven’t heard from me for a few days. Maybe more. We’ve been on the road with the trailer and finally arrived in Salem, Oregon, where the wifi has been spotty at best. Downright crappy mostly. Anyhow, I’ll be out here for a couple of weeks and so far I’ve had a barfy dog and a lot of rain. It’s still gorgeous out here though. Green. And lots of flowers.

The news is that my story, Hunger Pains, has been released in the e-antho Demon Lovers: Succubi. I really like this story and I hope you do too. There are a lot of really good stories in this antho, so definitely check it out. You can read more information and summaries at the link. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to read it. I believe it’s on Amazon and B&N and the usual outlets as well.

In the meantime, I’m trying to herd dogs and children. I’ll update more later as I get a better wifi connection. Which will hopefully happen later today.