Where I will be in the next few months

Miscon will take place in Missoula, Montana, from May 24-27. It’s a fabulous little con. Can’t wait to go.

On June 14th, I’ll be at Jayfest at Powell’s Beaverton in honor of and support for Jay Lake, a fabulous SF writer who’s struggling with cancer. There will be a group signing and a book fair. Other authors include David Levine, Phyllis Irene Radford, Devon Monk, Barb and J. C. Hendee, Shannon Page, Mark Ferrari, J. A. Pitts, M. K. Hobson, and Tina Connolly.

On August 14th at 7:00, I’ll be taking part in the SFWA reading series. Laura Ann Gilman is hosting the program, Phyllis Irene Bradford will also be reading. To register, go here.

I’m planning on Orycon, and may be at Spocon. More on those later.