A post is made

I got writing done today. It was the most focused writing day I’ve had in awhile. Felt almost like I was back to normal. Of course keeping the children out was nearly impossible. School starts in a month. I’m holding on to that.

Speaking of school, aside from the year between getting my BA and starting my MA when I worked for a newspaper, this will be the first year I have not gone to school in some shape or form since before preschool. It’s going to be very odd. And freeing, I think. We’ll see how it goes.

I also now have a ceiling fan in my office. This is good.

Made waffles for dinner with sausage and cantaloup and blueberries. Real maple syrup and blackberry jam on the side. Tasty. I don’t generally eat breakfast food for breakfast. I like it for brunch earliest, and sometimes dinner.

The boy of size is getting sizier. He’s so going to be taller than me in a short time. He’s not even a teenager yet! soon, but not yet. I’m five foot eleven. I am not small. I have big feet, big hands, and football shoulders. His feet are bigger, his hands are bigger, and wow. He was so tiny not that long ago!

I’m pushing forward on the beginning I made on the new thing. It’s going . . . heck, what the hell do I know. It could be going well or not. So far so good as far a I can tell.

Also, I can’t find the screws to put my whiteboard together. Dammit. I have no idea where they are. Crap.