I decided today that I would paint my office. I’d been dithering about whether I wanted to bother and what sort of work it would take and all that sort of thing. Basically, it was undecided whether laziness would win. That and my nickname is Clodzilla, so I have concerns about painting the carpet accidentally, even with dropcloths and taping stuff off and taking it slow and careful.
I was debating between shades of green and shades of purple. I don’t have a large office and the carpet is a dark brown. I was leaning toward the green because of the sense of spring and brightness. But I was afraid I’d hate it. So being a champion wimp, I decided on the shades of purple because I know I like purple. One color is a pale iris color, the other is darker, but I couldn’t tell you the color right now. Tomorrow I’ll begin the prep. It will take awhile. and I’ll have to put my desk in the middle of the room until I finish and the pain cures, so that means writing on my laptop more than likely.
We also looked at sheds today. We need one in order to get things like bicycles, the lawnmower, and various other things out of the garage so that we can get our vehicles into the garage and still have a little space to do things. Costco was having a special thing and we went in to talk the rep. He ignored us. Totally. On two different days. I am so pissed about it. Going to call and complain. I should say he does not work for Costco, but for the company doing the shed show. So anyhow, we went over to Lowe’s today to look at one and I think we’ve picked one out. We’ve just got to figure out the logistics.
We also hung up a big clock in our bonus room, though honestly it’s hard to read, even though it’s nearly three feet wide. The colors are dim, but at the same time the lights aren’t actually on. It’s just window light. Maybe that will make a difference.
I should probably go take the dogs walking. Or nap. Or read. It’s a lovely lovely day out there. Tomorrow we are going to someone’s house to help press apples. That will be fun.
Oh and we dropped into a little estate sale when it was pretty much over and got an old tin for Calumet Baking powder. It’s not the little one, but the big 32 ounce size. Pretty cool. Going to put it up with our 5 gallon pickle crock.