Things That I’m Thinking About
The image for this post is a horse I’m working on. It’s a test piece because I’m trying out some new stuff. And my airbrush is trying hard not to work like it supposed to. Which is to say, it doesn’t want to blow paint. I mean, that’s the whole reason for it’s existence. Hmm.
One thing I’m thinking about. Ever notice how much language gets passed down and we have no idea where we got it or what it really means? For instance, the one I was thinking about the other day, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free. I don’t remember where I got that. I know what it means, but don’t remember ever being told. Course only recently learned that Tag, as in the game of, stands for Touch and Go. What? Do you have words that you know but have no idea how you came by them? They’ve been handed down?
I’m writing romance right now and letting myself go over the top with the emotional drama. May not stay there, but I feel like being all emotional and having it lead to a happily ever after. I need a whole lot more happily ever after in my life. Don’t we all.
I want to figure out how to do videos for TikTok or Insta. I’m absolutely clueless. But I want to. Might not last long, but for now, it’s what I want to do. Might be fun.
Thinking about my tribe/community and how I can be more supportive and involved and happy-helping.
Not thinking about the political world but vaguely wondering when the GOP will eat themselves.
Stil doing my ‘yogilates’ which is my made-up version of yoga with some pilates stirred in, all learned online and while I don’t know what i’m doing, I am getting more flexible and stronger. Go me!
I’ve not been painting a lot for awhile, so I’m happy that I’ve got a couple coming together. Oh, yes, doing a holiday horse. Let me dig up a pic. It’s red! And there’s more work to be done. Posting some more stuff on Patreon.
And that is all for today.