January of 2025

Oh boy. So much to look back on and so much to look forward to. Too much. Let me sum up. (Princess Bride references, y’all!)

Last years….moments of suck happened. Long days and weeks. Argh! The suck is real! And then there were many good days and good moments. Too much time spent paying attention to politics. It’s all important, but let’s face it: There is much in the world I have no control over. Worrying about it is useless unless and until I can do something.

Look! A lesson I’m trying to learn! Along with radical acceptance. I’m a work in progress. I published my book on writing characters last year, republished all the Path books, did the demon divorce novella and Hunger Pains, which is a romantic short story. I’ve been working on a book that I call Draig even though that’s not really a title and am about 80K words in and need to write the end. That should take me about 20K to 30K I think. Unless I write longer, and I have just that sort of tendency. Also in 2024, I learned to play disc golf better and I have so much fun. This is one of my favorite things to do. My favorite disc (currently) is a Diamond Opto Ice, but I do like my Gravity Saint. I also started doing yogalates, which is my version of trying mashing some yoga with some pilates to gain muscle, balance, and flexibility. Thought I have fallen slightly off the wagon and have to get back to more regularly doing it.

Now moving on to 2025. I have goals! And ideas! and hopes! And Dreams! LOL. I don’t do resolutions, but am determined to make a couple of changes to get myself back on track better. First, I plan to figure out a method of plotting that will work for me. I’ve already been working on the how to do it, and have some strategies. Now I have to buckle down and just do it, as Nike would say. The hard part is convincing my brain that in fact, it should do what I want it to do. *shakes fist at brain*

I’m hoping to get a new Everyday Disasters written this year, and a new Mission: Magic, plus a Horngate novella, and then re-release all my Horngate books as well as the novella. I also hope to publish Draig, which is full on romance fantasy. I fought it, but that’s what it wanted to be and so I’m bowing to its desires. I’m also trying to be a lot more organized and focused on work. I’m not yet feeling organized, but I am writing more, so that’s positive.

Devon Monk and I also started a kind of a podcast. We’ve got one video up and another coming this week. It’s called Between the Lines and we plan to release at least once a month, but would like to go more. We want to talk about writing, books, and the behind the scenes, and really, whatever feels right. Check it out and be sure to comment and let us know if there’s something specific you want to hear about or anything else. Subscribe! Yes!

I’ve been doing some horse painting, but not as much as I’d like. My house is a mess and really, I no longer really care that much. My toilets and showers are clean. So’s my kitchen.

I’m still having health issues. Adjusting meds and all that so hopefully it gets better. It might be some long covid shit, or just crappy health. I’m posting on my Patreon, too. Feel free to come over and have a visit. Putting up a variety of things, though I want to revamp a bit.

I’ll be at Seattle Worldcon this year! It’s going to be fun!

Hope you all are grand!



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