Westercon Schedule
I’m going to be at Westercon 69 this weekend. If anybody out there plans to be there, here’s where I’ll be: Diana Pharaoh Francis Reading Madison Fri Jul 1 4:00:pm – 4:30:pm Autographs Fri Jul 1 5:00:pm – 6:00:pm Get…
I bet you’re wondering
Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? Almost. I received proofs for all the Path books and have to read and proof in a little over a week. I’m done with Fate and Honor, and partly…
Norwescon Schedule
I’ve got my Norwescon Schedule! The only problem is with the autograph session because I’m going to want to go around and talk to everyone else. Intricate Worlds Thu 5:00pm-6:00pm Cascade 10 How do you build (and maintain) an intricate…