Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 4 post surgery
It’s interesting what I’m discovering about my body and brain. I haven’t been actually hungry. I eat because it’s time and there are rules–specifically at least 60 grams of protein–and 64 oz of liquid. That’s for the first two weeks.…
Running fast
If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…
Running fast
If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…
Running fast
If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…
Running fast
If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…
Running fast
If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…
The Cutting Room Floor
I’m working on a Horngate story for an anthology. It is a Giselle/Shoftiel story–no Max. I cut this today and figured you might like to see it: Salt Lake City still looked like itself, though now the sulfurous stench of…