
So wrote over 3K today. This is good, because I also got the copy edits for Bitter Night. So have to work on them. And write an acknowledgements page. And I have to make sure I don’t forget people, especially since a number of you have been terribly important to this book. My in-laws are coming to visit tomorrow for a few days also, so I’ll have to get some serious work done in the early a.m. every day.

So this is where I stand on The Traitor King:

43132 / 120000 words. 36% done!

I’m not actually sure it’s going to be 120K. I actually have taken to shooting for 100K, since I inevitably go longer. And since I usually add a lot in revision.  If ‘m already at 120K and add a bunch, then I have to also cut a bunch. But since the revision process means that I probably already cut all the fat AND added in new stuff, it leaves me with a lean manuscript and little to cut. This is crazy-making. So the long and the short of it is that I’m actually further along than that looks. But most importantly, I’m on track to have a draft by my birthday, which will give me time to revise before the deadline.

On the subject of movie kisses: Six Days, Seven Nights: Blech. Doesn’t work. Charlotte Gray–nope, and all the more disappointing for an earlier, more emotional scene. The kiss was flat as paper.  REviewing movie kisses will be an ongoing fetish for me. So feel free to join in (TV kisses too). Who does good kisses?

And on the subject of the Criminal Minds season finale: WTF? Anybody want to comment on that?


  • cedunkley

    I figured I would follow up on this here instead of on your LJ since I saw that mela_lyn hasn’t seen the last episode yet.

    I did some digging and the masked guy is from the episode “Omnivore”, the Boston Reaper, C. Thomas Howell played him. Did you see that episode? That explains the comment made by the Reaper that Hotch should have taken the deal.

  • Di Francis

    I know I watched Omnivore. I don’t entirely remember how it ended. I guess it must have ended with an escape. What I”m trying to figure out is a) is Hotchner coming back next year and b) why didn’t they give some little bit of set up to that ending? Comes out of freaking nowhere. And man, that whole pig far thing, creepy. I raised bigs in 4-H and yes, pigs eat anything so it was all the more believable to me. *shudder*