Back in the Saddle Again
Finally finished my grading. Turned in my final grades from last block and am three days into this block. And I’m exhausted. Hopefully I’ll catch up on sleep soon.
In the meantime, last call: Rosie and mallie_kite you won ARCs of Bitter Night. I need to hear from you by Friday noon or I’ll have to draw new names. At that time I’ll also draw for winners of the cover flats.
Starting tomorrow, at about 2:00 Mountain time, I’m going to start inhabiting the War Room again. Do you remember what this is? that’s where we go into the chat room, talk a few minutes, then write fast for 1/2 hour or so, then report back on progress, then chat, then do it again. I’ll be in there for a few hours each day, unless I have a meeting. Hopefully more on weekends. I hope to get some good work done, and I hope some of you will join me.
Jim Hines as an incredibly funny slush poem, Seussian style. A quote:
Would you like a hot sex scene?
I wrote it for my online ‘zine!
I do not like your pervy tale.
Your metaphors make readers pale.
Your paragraphs are pages long.
Your bad sex scene is oh so wrong!
Can people do that with their lips???
I do not like your manuscripts.
Go read it. Beverage warning. I bet you did know loo and poo rhyme, didn’t you?
I’ll hopefully see some of you tomorrow in the war room.
Hi 🙂
Congratulations on finishing the grading.
I loved the slush poem, thanks for sharing it.
All the best,
Di Francis
so how did you manage to load up a pic? not something I’ve figured out yet (for your reply icon).
Diana Pharaoh Francis
Isn’t that poem awesome. Jim is a god.