Bitter Night Release Day!
yep, that’s right. Today is the day that Bitter Night releases. You know what that means? That’s right. Shameless self promotion. And not only that, I’m asking you to go promote me. (yes, make me a general of your armies. Be my minions! Mwhahahahahahaha!)
Anyhow, here’s what I’m asking. Spread the word. Blog about the book. Twitter about it. Invite me to interview on your blog. Tell everyone you know. Tell the bookstores you frequent that this is the best book ever. Oh! And I’d love to see photos of the book in the wild! Send me pics and I’ll post them! That would be awesome. Tell strangers in the grocery line. Tell strangers in bookstores. Tell your family and friends. And then come back and tell me so I can praise you with much lavishness!
One Comment
Lisa Digs
I am really enjoying this book. I am not quite finished but each page has definitely kept me guessing on what’s going to happen next. This is the first book I have read from this Author and I am looking forward to the next in the series. I am also looking forward to reading the other books by this author. Keep up the good work and the best of luck with the rest of the series.