Crimson Wind (sequel to Bitter Night)

For those of you wondering just what Crimson Wind will be about, here’s a little blurb:

Max is a Shadowblade—a supernatural warrior created to serve and protect her witch, Giselle. She was made to kill and she’s very good at it. But there are some troubles you can’t solve with a gun and Max has run smack into one. Since the devastation of her covenstead four weeks ago and the revelation of the coming apocalypse, Max has been itching to bring her family back to the safety of Horngate. The only trouble is they think she was murdered thirty years ago, a belief Max has done everything in her power to cultivate. So she’s naturally a little worried about how they’ll feel when she tells them she’s alive and never bothered to get in touch. And oh by the way, mom and dad, she isn’t human anymore. As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, the Guardians have made a major move in their war against humanity and now it’s a race to save her family before they are swallowed by a a blood storm of wild magic. That is, if Max can even get off the starting block. First she has to deal with an enraged wannabe lover who can destroy worlds, a pissed off mage, and a pig-headed witch.

ETA: I originally said this would be out in October 2011, but I was mistaken. I’m fairly certain it will be out in March of 2011. Sorry for the mixup! If that changes, I’ll let you know.


  • Vanessa Simpson

    Hey, I love your books so much!!! Bitter Night has to be my favorite, and I hate how you ended it! You just left me hanging I was saddened and I can’t wait until Crimson Wind comes out!!! I have so many questions that I hope will be answered in the next book!!!

  • May W

    I absolutley love Bitter Night and I think I re-read that book 3 times now. Thank you for writing such a wonderful heroine. I’m so glad the next one is coming out soon, but March 2011 is soooooo farrrrr away.

    I know I’m over eager, but will there be a third book? Will it be as long of a wait as the second one? Thanks.

  • Sherelle

    I loved the book bitter night. I just reread it. I can’t wait to read Crimson Wind.

  • Donna

    I loved Bitter Night and I can’t wait to read the sequel. I adore Max and can’t wait to see what to see what you have in store for her next!

  • Giselle

    OH gosh I’m so happy to know that Crimson Wind will be coming out sooner than it was supposed, I can hardly wait…

  • Raquel Gulley

    I love bitter Night. Your the best! Thank you so much for writing a book that has not only captured my imagination but also my heart.

  • Raquel Gulley

    I love crimson wind. I just got done reading it and I’m looking forward to the third book in the series. You truly are the best! When I read that she had changed her name to Max it just blew my mind. I love these book! And I’m defiantly going to read them again and again!