The good and the bad
Today was unpleasant. One of the dogs (Voodoo) had an obstructed colon and had to go to the vet and get cleaned out. Apparently we caught it before it was too terrible, but it’s stunning how fast it came on. Anyhow, he’s home now, groggy, and feeling puny. But hopefully he’s a lot perkier tomorrow. He’s eating a canned food from the vet and some canned pumpkin to help his innards.
So the bad was that it happened, the good was that the vet we found was amazing and wonderful and so it was good to know Voodoo was in really good hands.
In the meantime, I’m still enjoying the weather, though we head home to Montana soon. Which means heading home to cold. Blecho. Though I will really look forward to sleeping in my own bed. The kids are having so much fun here. I know they are looking forward to being back in school, but I also know they will miss their grandparents and the warm and the fun. It’s been a good visit. Wish it could last longer. Isn’t that the way it always goes?