not on the Nano train

I’m not nanoing this year. Mostly because I can’t seem to organize to write for it right now. Between this stupid single-momhood, the day job, and general distraction, I don’t think I can focus enough. Plus my desktop computer is in the shop for a recall hard drive and so that doesn’t help. All of which are excuses for not writing, and I will be writing, just not nanoing. Right now I don’t need the added pressure.

In other news, the man returned to Oregon today and it pretty much sucks. Nuff said there.

I’m in the mood to read something, but not sure what I want to read. I have so many things to choose from.

World Fantasy Con just ended. I missed it. I wanted to go. I’ve missed it for the past four or five years. I love this con. It’s a place where a lot of writers and other publishing professionals come and hang out and talk. I find it enormously rejuvenating to hang out and talk writing to people who don’t mind me whining. Oh, well, it’s not all whining. At least by me. I let others occasionally get their one whine on. Seriously though, it makes me very happy and I’m sad to not be able to make it.

We (the kids and I), realized that Christmas is only about seven weeks away. Now, the reason for this realization has to do with being able to visit the man at Thanksgiving and again at Christmas. All the same, i realized that the stuff I meant to be making some crochet gifts for Christmas and I’m a little bit behind. I really need to get on it.

I’m not fond of the Daylight Savings loss of an hour. Not at all.

And now, to shower and get the children into bed.


  • Douglas Meeks

    Well my only suggestion would be try this book, its free on Amazon if you have a Kindle (think it may be free on B&N) I thought the 4 book series was one of the better things I read in 2011/12. A Hidden Fire: Elemental Mysteries Book 1 by Elizabeth Hunter … only thing is that if you love book 1 you will have to get the other 3 but they are relatively cheap.

    • Douglas Meeks

      We addicts like company, I bought 4 new books today even though I have hundreds in my TBR and I can’t even keep up with all the free books I get to review. This is a sickness of mine πŸ™