Spring yard cleaning

With improved health, the man and I have been doing work around the house. Because there are green leaves on things. GREEN!!! My roses are leafing out. Yes, I grow roses in Montana. And I have a grape and gooseberries. All of which are leafing out. Other things are slower, but I have faith. Anyhow, we have been cleaning the yard and I put down a ton of mulch with newspapers. Like 40+ bags and I need about three more to finish. Meanwhile the man fertilized, raked and bagged, got the lawn mower running, plus about fifty other little around the house chores. I didn’t plan for him to have to do so much, but wow it’s been so nice to have the help. And the company. I have missed him so much.

I plan to plant some peas in the next few days. I also need to find my miracle grow sprayer so I can fertilize things.

I got an invitation to go to Orycon, and I said yes, so looks like that’s on my docket. I’m excited! I haven’t been in ages. Like maybe a decade.

Can I ask you to go into a Barnes and Noble and see if any of my Horngate books are on the shelves? I would really appreciate it.