Why must the bathroom get so dirty?
I’ve had one of those weeks that’s a combo of busy plus lazy plus mopey plus cold plus mommy plus somewhat constructive. Had one of those weeks?
On the constructive side, which seems to be the most interesting really, I sanded down this spot on the hardwood floor (original quarter sawed oak), where it had worn off the finish too much and then applied this stuff that is not really a finish. It didn’t turn out as well as I wanted. Which is to say that it’s a bit darker. I sanded down enough I thought. I’ve got another spot to try but not sure what I want to do with it.
I also have been getting some writing done. I’m not entirely sure it’s going the way I want. I’m not sure I’m capturing the southern flavor that I want, and I’m not sure my main character is sympathetic enough out the door. But I keep going forward and hoping that it works out. I do like a fair bit of it. Though I’ve introduced a male character that I’m hoping is not a love interest. I had no intention of him being one, at least not for main character, but it’s possible I suppose. I guess I’ll find out when things play out.
Still no one looking at the house. School ends next week. And I have to clean the bathroom. Also, it’s really cold today and I’ve made a fire and it’s popping and crackling. Now I need tea and a nap. Or a nap and then tea. Alas, the bathrooms first.