Some announcements

First, please remember that I’m taking part in the SFWA reading series. Laura Ann Gilman is hosting the program, Phyllis Irene Bradford will also be reading. To register, go here. That’s tomorrow (Weds., 14th) in Portland.

Mindy Klasky has a new book out today! SINGLE WITCH’S SURVIVAL GUIDE, the first volume in my Jane Madison Academy Series  is in stores today!

You can read the first chapter here: 

Congratulations to all who made the World Fantasy Awards ballot.

It looks like we sold our travel trailer. We had it on consignment for all of a couple weeks. Amazing it went so quick. Good news though. We are trimming down on the bills and this was one of them. No more insurance or storage on it. That’s a good thing. We’ll miss it, but possibly we’ll downsize to a smaller trailer or go with a boat (I know nothing about them, but I’d like to be able to get out on rivers and lakes more).

And if anybody knows the answer to this–cordite is no longer used in the making of bullets. What exactly does one smell when a gun goes off? Obviously gunpowder, but what’s the smell from exactly?