The wicked wind whispers and moans

It doesn’t have to blow very hard outside to sound like quite a storm in this house. I like it. It’s whistling and moaning outside.

Been eating turkey leftovers and walking the dogs and getting ready to (finally) paint my office. Tomorrow I’ll start. I’m contemplating decorating for Christmas. I’m looking forward to putting stuff out here. Especially since it won’t be so cold outside while doing it. Whoohoo!

Did a signing at Reader’s Guide in Salem on Saturday with Devon Monk. Was a lot of fun and we got to meet a number of readers and I got to chat with some delightful people.

We watched Red2. Liked the first one better, but this was still very fun. Also watched RIPD. Campy and cheesy, but also fun. Did you know Garth Nix has written a fantasy regency romance? It’s called Newt’s Emerald. Haven’t read it yet, but I will this week. I love regency romances, and it’s Garth! Nix!

Also, a friend from grad school wrote this really awesome story called Honeydew. Go read it. You won’t regret it. It’s really excellent.

Did you have a good Thanksgiving? And if you don’t do Thanksgiving, did you have a good weekend?