and another day bites the dust

Boy is still not getting better. Trying all I can to get him into a gastroenterologist sooner rather than later. Holidays make this tougher, as is the need for a pediatric gastroenterologist. Cuts the number of docs that he can see considerably. Anyhow, trying really hard not to start freaking out.

Ran errands today. Seems every day is full of them, and yet not getting anything done. But got those nailed down, plus talked to various doctor offices, and wrangled kids. Tomorrow will be more of the same, including going to Costco to stand in line at the pharmacy. Sigh. But they are significantly cheaper on the prescription than Walgreens. As in, about a fourth of the price. I will also pick up the stuff I forgot the other day.

With all that’s going on with the holidays, the boy, life, and being sick myself, I haven’t yet finished my revision on Trace of Magic. I am near the end, but I just need a few hours to knock it out. Unless of course I find something really wrong, in which case, I’m not sure how long it will take.

I finished reading Ilona Andrews’ Clean Sweep. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I expected to, but I hadn’t read the serial version (they posted it online as they wrote it), and I was surprised about the fantasy/sf sort of crossover. It’s not really super sf, actually, but a little bit. Most of the time the big publishers would probably say no one would buy it and so wouldn’t take a risk on it. I think a lot of good books probably have fallen through the cracks that way. I’m so glad that they published Clean Sweep on their own and did it the way they wanted to. It’s tremendous fun and I really look forward to the next installment. If you haven’t read it, do. You’ll enjoy.