
I am taking a class on making a sweater. I’ve only been knitting not quite two months. Was feeling pretty good about how well I was getting along, and then the class started. Oh boy. This cable thing is hard. And I’ve committed to a lot of it. And I committed to hard ones. because, idiot much?

I’ve made agonizingly slow progress and my teacher has fixed a whole buttload of my mistakes. She showed me how to fix, but that doesn’t mean I can do the same. So freaking out a little. All the same, going to keep plugging away. Because pain is my friend.

Other than that, I have been attempting to gain control of my house and my life. With little success I might add. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Nope, not a chance. I’ll be writing. And orthodontisting with the girlie. Hopefully the boy will be at school.

And now, to possibly vegetate or knit. Oh, and my yarn ball turned into a tangle. Apparently I really need to winde it before I start, even though it looked like a center pull ball. I may never buy Cascade yarn again after this. So frustrating. Anyhow, I got it wound after much annoying time. Cause I needed to be annoyed more.