Sunday with nachos

And football. The game has been less than interesting. The commercials not particularly funny or entertaining. The halftime show–the Boy of Size and I decided that the boys group was wearing clothes made of shiny plastic bags, and the girls group was wearing purses. I’m not sure which won the dance-off. Lady Gaga rocked the hell out of the national anthem. The nacho cheese dip we made was good, so that’s something. So instead I read. Well, while sort of watching. And now the cheese dip keeps repeating on me, and that is unpleasant. I want fruit salad. With blackberries and blueberries and raspberries. Oh, and fresh peaches. Can I have that please?

I did manage to take a walk in the sunshine today. We’re going to have a few days of it and I’m hoping to get outside and poke around in the garden beds. I’ve got some things blooming already outside–primroses and this other white flower. I love the Daphne bushes. The scent is so lovely.

My head continues to hurt. And weirdly a wrist. No idea what I did there. My head has been hurting for more than a week now. I went to the chiro, but I have to go back because I was too tight to fully adjust. I’m sore from that. I am uncertain if I it’s really the back, if I may be sick, or if my hormones or something are out of wack. I have a doctor’s appointment for next Friday, so if the chiro doesn’t help before, I should find out. I can tolerate a lot of pain. In fact my first back doc, upon seeing the MRI, wondered how come I was still walking around. Even childbirth wasn’t so bad. Though my second back explosion was pure hell. But when it comes to headaches, I’m a total wimp. WIMP. And no painkillers seem to have much impact. Well, it might help more if I actually took them more than once a day, but I don’t want to mask symptoms. If that makes sense. Probably not.

Wonder if Peyton Manning is going to retire.

Oh look, the game is almost over. and the end is foregone now.