Upright and breathing

I’m better. Insomuch as I am upright and breathing, although mostly without the use of my nose. I wish my model of body had come with a removable head that I could take off, scrub out, and put back on. That would make things much easier for me.

I finished proofing Whisper of Shadows, which means, if you don’t know, that I went through and looked hard for mistakes and found some, though certainly I missed some and now I can worry about that in the middle of the night when I can’t breathe because my nose is not working properly. Although it’s still there, and I know this because I have to blow it all the time and it’s chapped.

I’m now reading the Incryptid novels by Seanan Mcguire. I had some on my shelves, but couldn’t find them, so in my cold-induced stupidity, I bought more copies. Then promptly found the old copies. But the fifth one just came out, so I only have one of those. I do love these books with great big love.

Heard from a good friend at my old job and the powers at be there continue to be shitty employers, and my old department continues to be sub-par humans. Why can’t people treat others professionally and kindly? I’m just saying. Sigh. Wish I could help her.

I have avoided watching the news today and have only heard a tiny bit about the bombings. I’m trying not to hear more at the moment. It’s just too much right now. My heart weeps for us.