Possibly on the TMI side

I’m sick. But I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s a virus or bacteria type thing, or hormonal, or just me being a freak. Mostly I’ve been feeling terrible, with a stupidly low temperature (under normal) in the a.m. and a fever over 100 in the evenings. And an awful pain in my knee/thigh. Plus dizziness, foggy brain, and some nausea. Oh, and chills.

I guess it’s time for me to call my doctor. Gah. I don’t wanna. *cue stomping feet and tantruming*.

However, despite feeling like crap, we (and that mostly is the rest of my family with me being in the support role) mowed lawns, rototilled garden beds with compost and such, planted some of the beds, sprayed some weeds, planted a couple of other plants, went to the Saturday market, went to an estate sale, took boy driving, fertilized the strawberries with worm castings, installed an electrical outlet on the patio, and some other stuff.

I also managed to update my website. Yay for me. I also have been working on getting the dogs not to bark so much. Not sure that’s working at all.

I apparently burned my tongue. I don’t remember when. Or how. But it hurts and I’m whining.