It’s been a hard few weeks
It’s been tough at the Francis house for the last month or so. First there was a situation with my daughter at school. That’s ongoing but hopefully working out. Then one of our corgi boys died. We took him to the vet because he wasn’t feeling so good, and turned out his entire stomach and chest were full of cancer. We had to put him to sleep and it was horrible. I did not take it very well, I can tell you. But then we got a miniature blue heeler puppy. My husband really wanted him and we hoped Voodoo would like him. Voodoo has never been alone in his life: Viggo was his littermate. But Voodoo hates him. I’m hoping he gets over that. We also plan to get another corgi puppy in a few weeks. A great nephew of Viggo and Voodoo. He may be good company for Merlin (mini-blue heeler). His name will be Crowley. (Sensing a theme?)
And then, just when we thought things were evening out . . . . A couple days ago my husband fell down the stairs in the house and broke five ribs in six places. He’s in a lot of pain, as you might guess. It will be four to six weeks at least before he heals.
So things have been difficult here, though I’ve tried to keep writing and doing my work. It’s slow going.

But I will leave you with some dog pics because of course you want to see them.

One Comment
Mitchell Stewart
Real Life or RL has a way of intruding, doesn’t it? I understand the sorrow of losing a dog — Words you never want to hear: “I’m sorry. Her heart failed. She’s dying. We can’t save her.” Time doesn’t actually stop, but your mind kind of seizes up. Well, Time is implacable. And you’ve done what the great dog trainer and writer, Vicki Hearne, advised: Get another dog (see “Oyez a Beaumont” in _Animal Happiness_; you will find it a comfort). So, ribs will heal, hearts will mend (though not without the kind of scars that ache on peculiar days). I hope and trust the rest of your summer will be more peaceful.