• Westercon Schedule

    I’m going to be at Westercon 69 this weekend. If anybody out there plans to be there, here’s where I’ll be: Diana Pharaoh Francis Reading Madison Fri Jul 1 4:00:pm – 4:30:pm Autographs Fri Jul 1 5:00:pm – 6:00:pm Get…

  • I bet you’re wondering

    Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? Almost. I received proofs for all the Path books and have to read and proof in a little over a week. I’m done with Fate and Honor, and partly…

  • Miscon and black eyes

    Just got back from Montana. Specifically, went to Miscon, the absolutely best con in the world. Well run, and fun people. Love it. I had to miss last year and was so sad about that. Justin Barba–the Con chair–runs a…

  • Sasquan recap

    I’m digging in to my recap, but I have no idea how far I’ll get. So here I go. We left on Weds. Devon Monk and I and our friend Dejsha went to the Amtrak station to catch a bus…

  • Heading off to Sasquan

    Yep, I’m off to Worldcon in a couple of hours. This is my schedule, should you want to find me. Please do! I’m looking forward to it, though I’ve been pretty much in panic mode for the past couple of…

  • Sasquan Schedule

    My Sasquan, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention​ schedule: Autographing – Diana Pharaoh Francis, Nichole Giles, Nancy Kress, James Van Pelt Thursday 12:00 – 12:45, Exhibit Hall B (CC) Diana Pharaoh Francis, Nichole Giles, Nancy Kress, James Van Pelt, Reading…

  • Finally from RT

    I finally am loading up pictures from RT. Here goes:    <—-This is me with Rachel Caine at the Random Penguin Party. There’s a number of pictures from the party.             This is Melanie Fletcher…

  • Back from RT

    I’m going to have to do a more thinky post and right now I’m dead tired. My roomie woke me up 20 minutes early before my alarm because she had a dream that I had changed my flight time. So…

  • All the things

    I want to report on all the things, but my memory is slippery and fuzzy. So some highlights. I had breakfast with Jeannette Cheney, Ilona and Gordon Andrews this morning. That was a lot of fun. It’s been awhile since…

  • So far from RT 2015

    RT officially really gets off to a start today. I’m stunned at the hotel. Rather, at the amount of swag that we got that authors or publishers pay for, and you should see the banners and such. They wrap every…