• They DO Exist

    Went geocaching yesterday and discovered one of these. In working order, no less. So for those of you who thought of them in the category of the Easter Bunny and bras that fit and are comfortable, they really do exist.…

  • Pillow Sagas

    I have journeyed far and wide, searched through stores and catalogs and even kickstarter, searching for the perfect pillow. My demands are not too grand or onerous, I think. I believe myself to be perfectly reasonable, searching for a pillow…

  • Di Versus . . . Whatever

    Once again, I have lost. Was walking the dogs today in a lovely big park with tons of oak trees, a creek, lots of meadows and tall grasses, and squirrels. Lots of squirrels. The dogs find these highly entertaining and…

  • The Dear Diary entries

    I’ve taken to writing dear diary tweets. I don’t particularly know why, but I have, and so I’ll share some of them with you.   Dear Diary: Am I really supposed to marry this moron? I mean, lots of women…