Writer Insanity
Why is it I keep coming up with new novel ideas–especially first in a series books, or stand alones? I have other things I need to be focusing on and yet . . . . My mind just keeps producing…
The Winner of the Giveaway
Karla Weaver! You are the giveaway winner. I need you to tell me your email address. Post it here or send it to me through the contacts tab. Congratulations! And thanks everybody for the good wishes and for playing!…
Five and a half weeks post surgery report
I eat too much. It’s really hard to connect the visual of how much I can eat with the actuality of what I can eat. So I end up feeling a little bit sick and too full and I’m working…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 4 post surgery
It’s interesting what I’m discovering about my body and brain. I haven’t been actually hungry. I eat because it’s time and there are rules–specifically at least 60 grams of protein–and 64 oz of liquid. That’s for the first two weeks.…
Dodging and Not Dodging Bullets
It’s been a difficult couple of weeks. My husband’s uncle fell and ended up in the hospital. Over the course of the following weeks, he’s had surgery and complications and then things looked promising and hopeful, and then bleak, then…