• Definition of winning

    I’ve been sitting here this morning watching a Dr. Phil. An old one, a rerun from 2014. I don’t usually watch this show or other talk shows because generally they bore me or there’s too much drama. (A reason I…

  • Definition of winning

    I’ve been sitting here this morning watching a Dr. Phil. An old one, a rerun from 2014. I don’t usually watch this show or other talk shows because generally they bore me or there’s too much drama. (A reason I…

  • Corgi Helps Me Write

    See Voodoo. See Voodoo “help” me write. See Voodoo giving me irritated looks for daring to move the notepad and writing. See Voodoo demand pets. See author’s real job as she obeys the puppy dog.

  • Things that are going on

    A lot has been happening recently, some good, some bad. I want to thank those of you who’ve contacted me with such positive encouragement on my books. I love you so much. I’m 8 weeks post op, and I feel…

  • Post Surgery report–end of week 2

    I feel pretty good right now, except for being itchy. I’ve had some sort of allergic reaction and have hives on my stomach and sides and they itch like crazy. I also had a weird possible allergic, possible infection around…

  • Day 6 post surgery

    I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…

  • Day 6 post surgery

    I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…

  • Day 6 post surgery

    I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…

  • Day 6 post surgery

    I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…

  • Day 6 post surgery

    I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…