Thank you
I want to say thanks to all of you. You’ve been terrific in reading my books, talking to bookstores, talking to librarians, passing recommendations for friends, reviewing me . . . All these things are tremendously important to writers. We are, as they say, a referral business. We survive and thrive based upon referrals. If you don’t talk about us, then we don’t succeed in this profession that we love so very much.
I don’t remember to say thank you enough, but know that I’m extremely grateful. And by way of thanks, a Blood Winter snippet:
She glared at the three men, her eyes brilliant blue. “Holy shit, how can you three breathe with all those male hormones flying around in here?” She waved a hand in front of her face to disperse invisible fumes.
Thor chuckled. “Don’t look at me. I don’t have a rooster in this fight.”
“Cock,” she corrected. “And I’ve not yet met a man who doesn’t have his in every fight,” she said. “Don’t feel bad that yours is just smaller than the other cocks on the playground,” she said with syrupy sweetness, patting his shoulder in mock sympathy.
Thor snorted and choked on his peanut butter.
Alexander grinned and Oz chuckled as Thor bent double, great coughs bellowing his ribs.
“Someday that mouth of yours is going to get you in real trouble,” Oz said to Lise, reaching out to take a powerbar from the cupboard.
“What else is new?” she said. “Is someone going to give him mouth to mouth or something? Before he dies?”
“Not me,” Oz said, biting into the bar. “I’m not kissing him.”
“Nor I,” Alexander said, licking peanut butter off the spoon.
“Well don’t look at me,” she said, brushing imaginary lint off the front of her shirt. “I don’t kiss men. Women taste better, smell better, and they are soft in all the right places.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Oz said with a wolfish grin.
“Nor can I,” Alexander said, humor rising up through the shroud of worry that encased him.
Thor at last straightened, his voice raspy. “I wouldn’t want any of you kissing me anyhow. Specially Lise. She’d probably bite off my tongue.”
She patted his butt. “No probablies about it, Tex. Now, aren’t you two supposed to be getting into bed? Dawn is just about to break. If you fry inside the RV, we’ll never get it clean.”
“Your concern for us is overwhelming,” Thor said, grabbing a jug of lemonade and sweeping up the rest of his food hoard into his arms.
“Somebody has to care,” Lise said with a pirate smile. “Where are we?”
Alexander explained. “Do try to hurry,” he added. Then as an afterthought, “but do not drive us into trouble.”
“Can’t have it both ways,” she said airily as she pulled a hunk of cheese out of the small refrigerator. She whipped out one of her knives and sliced off a piece, as she headed to the driver’s seat. “Either you want to go fast or you want to go safe. Which will it be?”
One Comment
Just finished the newest Horngate book, and I loved it! I can’t wait to read Blood Winter. Thank you for writing such wonderful books.