
It occurred to me, in a rather belated way, that I am supposed to read tonight. So I thought, I should pick something out. I suck at this. I never know what to read. I have opted to simply read from the beginning of Shadow City. But it made me think about what you like to hear when you go to a reading? Do you like a long passage? Several shorter ones? Do you like to hear what you’ve already read? or maybe a work in progress, even if it is rough? A short story?

For tonight, I’m not sure how many real fantasy fans will be there. It might be more like friends who are supporting me. And it may be dead, because this is a small town and there is a ton of stuff going on tonight. Bad scheduling all around.

I opted for the opening of Shadow City, since that’s the focus of the signing overall, and it’s got some action and some snark and hopefully people don’t need to know much about previous books to get into it.

So readers, what do you like to hear? Writers, what do you like to read? How do you choose?