On the road again

I’m off to Miscon! It’s my favorite con. It’s in Missoula, MT, and it’s going to be lovely fun. I’ve decided. Plus they make my favorite beer around there–Coldsmoke Scotch Ale. I’m going to have swag, if anybody reading is going to be there. Find me and I shall give something to you.

My schedule is as follows, in case you want to know where to find me:

  • panel Fri 2:00 – 2:50 PM, Book Signing: General Session, Pavilion (2)
    Moderator: Justin Barba; Panelists: Carol Berg, Jim Butcher, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Robin Hobb, Todd Lockwood
    This signing is moderated, and we will maintain a STRICT 3 item maximum per person–zero exceptions. In order to keep the lines moving, Robin and Jim can only personalize one item per person per trip through the line.
  • Break Fri 2:50 – Fri 5:00
  • moderator Fri 5:00 – 5:50 PM, Beyond The Fangs, Ballroom B
    Moderator: Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di); Panelists: Jim Butcher, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Julie Frost, Rhiannon Held, Randy Henderson
    Urban Fantasy encompasses more than just vampires and werewolves, yet it seems that the fanged creatures of the night have captured the limelight. What other creatures, dangerous and ghastly, lurk around dark city corners?
  • Break Fri 5:50 – Sat 10:00
  • moderator Sat 10:00 – 10:50 AM, Desire in Fiction, Ballroom B
    Moderator: Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di); Panelists: Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Laurey Patten, Brian Rathbone, Joyce Reynolds-Ward
    Noir is, in part, about what people want, how badly they want it, and how far they’ll go to get it. In this panel we’ll talk about all your characters’ desires, their darkest needs, and how to translate that to the page, regardless of genre.
  • Break Sat 10:50 – Sat Noon
  • panel Sat Noon – 12:50 PM, Meet & Greet/Signing: DianaP Francis/Steve Diamond, Hotel Lobby of Doom
    Panelists: Steve Diamond, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di)
    Meet a few of our authors, get signatures, and see what they’re up to these days.
  • Break Sat 12:50 – Sat 4:00
  • panel Sat 4:00 – 4:50 PM, Crafting Unique Titles, Gallatin
    Moderator: Rhiannon Held; Panelists: Brenda Carre, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Rhiannon Held, Laurey Patten
    How much work do I put into a title for my book or short story? How do I chose one? What titles worked for you? Are the titles themselves becoming tropes?
  • panel Sat 5:00 – 5:50 PM, Keeping the Momentum, Glacier
    Moderator: Randy Henderson; Panelists: Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Julie Frost, Ann Gimpel, Randy Henderson
    Maybe you�re receiving some really great rejections, or perhaps you�ve got a couple short stories published–now what? How do you maintain that momentum? What�s the next step? This is for those writers who are on the cusp of professionalism and those who want to learn what it�s like.
  • Break Sat 5:50 – Sun 1:00
  • panel Sun 1:00 – 1:50 PM, The Grand Scheme, Ballroom B
    Panelists: Carol Berg, Jim Butcher, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Peter Orullian (Rock Lord), Brooke Stanley
    Every great villain needs a masterpiece scheme in order to realize their ambitions and force the hero to their knees, as well as to set themselves apart from every other nefarious criminal. Learn what elements make every grand scheme extraordinary and how to construct the plan that will give your mastermind their edge.
  • panel Sun 2:00 – 2:50 PM, Fiction Slam Readings, Tent By the Trees (1)
    Moderator: Brenda Carre; Panelists: Matt Buscemi, Brenda Carre, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di)
    Come hear your favorite pro read a selection of their work.
    1400: Diana Pharaoh Francis
    1420: Matt Buscemi
    1440: Brenda Carre
  • Break Sun 2:50 – Sun 4:00
  • panel Sun 4:00 – 4:50 PM, Horror Vs Urban Fantasy, Madison
    Moderator: Peter Orullian (Rock Lord); Panelists: Steve Diamond, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Peter Orullian (Rock Lord), J.A. Pitts
    There’s a lot of shared blood between the two genres, especially as urban fantasy grows darker and darker. What are the major differences? Similarities? How do you know which you’re writing? What are some of the points you must hit to designate one versus the other?
  • Break Sun 4:50 – Mon 11:00
  • panel Mon 11:00 – 11:50 AM, Write a Story on the Fly, Pavilion (2)
    Moderator: Krista Wallace; Panelists: Carol Berg, S. A. Bolich, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Krista Wallace
    In this panel, the panelists will improv a story on the fly, one sentence at a time. It will be written down as they go, and will be read aloud at the end. Promises to be a rolickin’ good time!