• Running fast

    If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…

  • Running fast

    If I did run, which I don’t, I’d be running fast. Still revising, still helping the folks with rebuilding stuff, still driving kids around. But! Been reading good books. Having a good time with Helen Harper’s Slouch Witch and the…

  • Stepping Out

    I’ve been actively attempting to be, oh, active. I’m starting smaller with just making sure I get so many steps each day with no breaks. I set the count a little low (5K) to make sure I can hit it…

  • The Cutting Room Floor

    I’m working on a Horngate story for an anthology. It is a Giselle/Shoftiel story–no Max. I cut this today and figured you might like to see it: Salt Lake City still looked like itself, though now the sulfurous stench of…

  • Wind blows, fire burns

    Finished revisions on a short story set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world. I’m pretty happy with it. At least until I find out if Faith likes it. Been doing more writing on Diamond City Magic 4. You know, it…

  • Book Pricing

    It’s come to my attention that the paper versions of Shadow City and Blood Winter have now become much more expensive. As in, around $22 dollars. I feel like I need to address this. First, you should know that I…

  • accumulation of stuff

    That title isn’t all that accurate. I’m not talking about actual stuff, but stuff I wanted to talk about. And life. The first thing is odd. I was driving home from Norwescon and saw a billboard that said “Jesus died…

  • A Horngate Witches Announcement

    I’m super pleased and over the moon to be able to tell you that Samhain Publishing has contracted to publish two more books in the Horngate Witches series! The titles will be Bone Dreams and Stone Thaw. I’ll be writing…

  • at the end of the weekend

    Technically today is the end of the weekend, because there was no school today for the kids. Well, the boy hasn’t been having any school anyhow. We are working on getting him qualified for a special medical accommodations program, and…

  • What to do?

    I started a new thing last night. It’s going to be shorter (stop laughing). Either a short story or a novella. I think. I love the opening, but I’m trying to decide if it is going to be a Horngate…