• Book review: Last Shot by Eve Gaddy

    I gave this book five stars. I received this book from NetGalley. I so thoroughly enjoyed this Last Shot by Eve Gaddy. I couldn’t put it down, in fact. It’s a romance with a mystery. Nick is a homicide cop…

  • Naomi Novik, Uprooted review

    received this book from NetGalley. And while I’ve seen it referred to as a Temeraire book, it’s not. It comes out May 19th, I think. Uprooted  is a total keeper. It reminds me of books by Patricia McKillip and Robin…

  • Finishing books

    I have always finished books that I’ve started. It’s an innate sense of obligation that I have to. I have no idea what engendered that need in me, but I wonder if as I’ve become a writer, it’s partly the…

  • the mucous recedes . . . ish

    The cold is a lot better. I’m still coughing and my head is thick, but at least things are improving. I would like to be completely well, though. Just in case the cold germs want to just get the heck…

  • fish and barf

    yeah, that’s a hell of a title, isn’t it? Why must blogs be titled? I suck at titles. The man took the kids fishing this weekend while I worked. On Sunday, they caught 15 trout. I don’t like fish. Don’t…

  • What day is it?

    It’s been a rough week for the boy. The test we had scheduled got canceled because he has to be off one of his drugs for a week. So that is now rescheduled for next Friday. In the meantime, he’s…

  • storytelling

    I read this book yesterday. It was light paranormal fantasy with some romantic elements or hints of it. It was terribly flawed, yet I read to the end, eager to see what happened and why. I think I’ll be reading…

  • back and forward and reading and writing

    The boy went to the gastro yesterday and there are tests underway. One of which requires collecting a stool sample, and so we are waiting for that to, ahem, arrive. But he started barfing even more, despite increasing the dosage…