A snippet that was cut
From the second Mission Magic book, a little chopped out snippet: “So when Arcadia decides you’re a threat and starts lobbing magic bombs at you, you’ll what?” He gave a knife smile. “I will open up the heavens and…
Considering Reverse Harem Stories
Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…
Considering Reverse Harem Stories
Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…
Considering Reverse Harem Stories
Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…
Considering Reverse Harem Stories
Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…
Considering Reverse Harem Stories
Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…
The Real Fantasy
My book, Putting the Fun in Funeral, came out earlier this month. It’s one I enjoyed writing quite a bit. It made me laugh a lot. That was a relief, at the time of writing. I used the novel as…
Murder Trial Parts 3 and 4
Previously I talked about attending a murder trial. If you haven’t read parts one and two, I’ll give you the links to those pages. Part I Part II What follows are the next two parts. Murder Trial Part III In…
Murder Trial Part II
If you haven’t read part one and you want to, click here I left off last time having talked about the procedure of the courtroom and what I’d learned. Now I’ll move on to the evidence. The first person on…
Murder Trial Part 1
I had occasion to attend a portion of a murder trial a couple months ago. My husband had to testify, called by the prosecution. More on that later. A man was on trial for murdering his estranged wife on February…