• DCM 5

    It appears Josh (Taylor’s ex-fiance and kidnap victim from Book 1) has returned. His first meeting with Taylor (and Dalton) doesn’t go so well. There appears to be some friction. Wonder why that is. Hmmm. *grin* This scene is a…

  • Diamond City Magic 5

    Hello everyone! I’m sorry I’ve been off the radar. I’ve been getting my son ready for college, running around with my daughter for band, dealing with a very sick dog, going to the emergency room with my son who dislocated…

  • A snippet that was cut

    From the second Mission Magic book, a little chopped out snippet:   “So when Arcadia decides you’re a threat and starts lobbing magic bombs at you, you’ll what?” He gave a knife smile. “I will open up the heavens and…

  • Considering Reverse Harem Stories

    Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…

  • Considering Reverse Harem Stories

    Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…

  • Considering Reverse Harem Stories

    Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…

  • Considering Reverse Harem Stories

    Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…

  • Considering Reverse Harem Stories

    Have you read a reverse harem story? Do you know what they are? Essentially they are romances involving one woman and at least three men. Two men would make it menage-a-trois, which is another category of romance. I have been…

  • The Real Fantasy

    My book, Putting the Fun in Funeral, came out earlier this month. It’s one I enjoyed writing quite a bit. It made me laugh a lot. That was a relief, at the time of writing. I used the novel as…

  • Murder Trial Parts 3 and 4

    Previously I talked about attending a murder trial. If you haven’t read parts one and two, I’ll give you the links to those pages. Part I Part II What follows are the next two parts. Murder Trial Part III In…