My Orycon Schedule (November 2023)
This is my draft itinerary for Orycon, AKA my stalker schedule if you want to stalk me. I plan to have at least some books with me for sale at my signing. Orycon 43 Itinerary for Pharaoh Francis, Diana (Diana Pharaoh…
Flights of Foundry Free Conference
Flights of Foundry is an international conference that takes places twenty-four hours a day so no matter what time zone you’re in, there’s something good for you to experience. I participated last year and have a number of panels this…
Westercon Schedule
I’m going to be at Westercon 69 this weekend. If anybody out there plans to be there, here’s where I’ll be: Diana Pharaoh Francis Reading Madison Fri Jul 1 4:00:pm – 4:30:pm Autographs Fri Jul 1 5:00:pm – 6:00:pm Get…
Miscon and black eyes
Just got back from Montana. Specifically, went to Miscon, the absolutely best con in the world. Well run, and fun people. Love it. I had to miss last year and was so sad about that. Justin Barba–the Con chair–runs a…