Tight as a tick
Stuffed myself tight as a tick for dinner. Last night of having my folks in town. Probably don’t need to eat for a few days now. But it was worth it. My dog has a sore in his armpit (front…
in search of a project
I need to start a new crochet project. I don’t know what I want it to be. Something relatively easy, but something I can learn to do new. I’m sure I have things in my books or online, but that…
In an effort to not get swamped by the blues today (to some slight success), I cleaned and did laundry. Cleaning is important because of course, at any time someone could come look at the house. Or so I hope.…
Getting ready for the coast
I finished the copy edits on Blood Winter this week and sent them back. It’s crazy how much of that book has been written or otherwise in this travel trailer. Not exactly the best atmosphere for working, and no reference…
In the name of updatery
Did you know that if you don’t write a blog post, nothing happens? I mean, no words magically appear? It’s exactly like book writing. If you don’t write the words, they don’t just show up on the screen. Darnit. I’ve…
Progress is Progressing
The past few days I’ve been herding cats, er, kids. I’ve had a spare one over and we’ve been playing a fair bit and swimming and now there’s peace and quiet. For now. Because mine are asleep. It’s been hot…
manners and lack thereof
Guster, the rescue corgi, has now gone on to his home with my parents. He will hopefully be very happy. He’s a loving dog, but really scared after all the clear abuse he must have had from his former people.…