A Friday Riley snippet
Because it’s Friday and because I can! From book 4 of DCM (which is yet title-less) I pulled back my wandering mind to focus on the task at hand. The difficulty in this situation was me. Null magic in particular.…
The Ideas that Rise and a snippet
I had this image pop into my head: A glass army. I thought about the fact that though the blood would run off them, it would still cling and dry and then I wondered how impervious they would be, if…
The update of the week
It’s raining. Pouring and windy. We’re already almost three inches above normal for the season and the season started October 1. The river looks swollen and it’s beautiful. Muscular and lovely. I did get the last of the peppers out…
Wind blows, fire burns
Finished revisions on a short story set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world. I’m pretty happy with it. At least until I find out if Faith likes it. Been doing more writing on Diamond City Magic 4. You know, it…
Doing Stuff
I like to go to estate sales. They sell all sorts of things that either I want and didn’t know it, wanted and didn’t want to pay full price, or stuff that’s interesting but I don’t want. My favorite thing…
Diamond City Magic #4 Snippet
Here’s a snippet from Diamond City Magic #4: Questions bubbled in his mind. Pointless and useless. He had no idea who’d taken him, how, or why, or where they were taking him. Had they harmed Christina? By God, but the…
I am owned by dogs. I admit this. Corgi boys. They pretty much make me do whatever they want. Lately, they hear sirens and they want to howl. But it isn’t enough that they howl by themselves. Oh, no. They…
Miscon and black eyes
Just got back from Montana. Specifically, went to Miscon, the absolutely best con in the world. Well run, and fun people. Love it. I had to miss last year and was so sad about that. Justin Barba–the Con chair–runs a…
Surprise giveaway!
In honor of the release of Whisper of Shadows in two days (April 22), I want to give away 4 e-copies of The Incubus Job. All you’ve got to do is leave a comment in this post. And a…
What needs to get done
You’ll notice that the title is in passive voice so no one actually is implicated in the doing. I have to write a bio for my husband for a con. He’s going to be on a panel about being married…