• Shopping fun

    Went shopping up in Portland with my mom today. It was fabulous. I’m not into a lot of clothes shopping, so of course, we weren’t doing that. We went to Penzey‘s and got fabulous spices. I love that place. After…

  • Confused

    There are lots of opinions on illegal immigrants and so on, but I read this article in the paper today about the problem of so many children of illegals being American citizens for being born here, and that if the…

  • Body hurts

    Friday the kids had the day off from school and so the man took the day off and we went to central Oregon to look for limb cast. Those are agates formed when hot ash covers wood after a volcanic…

  • On cops and McKinney, Texas

    I posted this on Facebook, and then decided to repost here. I’m deeply upset over the video of what happened in Mckinney, Texas. So I’m talking it out. I can’t tell you what the context of what happened in McKinney,…

  • Oh the thinks you can think

    There are now things on the walls of my office. Swords, axes, pictures, maps . . . the usual. Then there are stacks of boxes that need to be emptied. Boxes of stuff. Supplies. Useful things, but they aren’t all…

  • Random Thoughts

    I don’t like Woody Allen films. I don’t usually get the humor, or they are boring, or something. I generally avoid them. I was elbowed in the face by boy last night. So if/when the bruise develops and I don’t…

  • Grass and torture devices

    I love Sheri Tepper’s Grass. It’s a really good book on a lot of levels. If you haven’t read it, you should. Part of the novel involves riding these native animals for long distances for long periods of time. The…

  • and another thing

    I forgot to mention that I won a book on GoodReads Giveaways! It’s the new, not quite out yet Seanan McGuire novel Midnight Blue Special. It’s an Incryptid novel and I really like the first one, so I’m excited to…

  • forums

    Hi people. I need some website help. I’m looking to install a forum. I need it to be fairly easy. I’ve looked at a couple, but I wondered if there is anyone out there who might know something about forums…

  • Book Violence

    I’ve been thinking about violence in my books. I got to thinking about it because I’m one of the people that think that violence in video games, TV, movies, and other entertainment have desensitized children and adults and hugely contributed…