• snippet sat . . err . . sunday

    Yeah, I’m late. No wait! I’m early! Sunday! Snippet Sunday! It’s still alliterative. From Bitter NIght, since it’s coming soon: Her gaze ran over him. He was maybe seventeen and cute beneath the ugly uniform and acne. His face was…

  • Holy KRP!

    I know you’ve heard this from me before, but as I get into rereading this book (aka Crosspointe 4), and remember I’ve made a point of NOT going back and revising or reading, but have written it straight through, so…

  • progress

    So wrote over 3K today. This is good, because I also got the copy edits for Bitter Night. So have to work on them. And write an acknowledgements page. And I have to make sure I don’t forget people, especially…

  • Some Linkage and other stuff

    So some of you know that my favorite uncle died a few days ago. Thanks for all your condolences. It means a lot. My inlaws come and visit in a few days for just a few days. This means I’ll…

  • Giveaway

    Today was exhausting and productive. Exhausting because the job just always has to poke at me with a sharp stick. And then last night I had diet coke too late and it made me sleep not well. Darnit. But many…

  • The Fabulous Ann Aguirre says . . .

    The fabulous Ann Aguirre, author of Blue Diablo and Grimspace and Wanderlust (all of which I love huge, especially Blue Diablo which is why I was hoping she would agree to read it), was invited to read Bitter Night for…

  • Read Chapters 1 and 2 of The Turning Tide

    Yep, it’s snippet Saturday. So I want you to post a snippet of your WIP in the comments. But my snippet is rather longish. You can have a gander at the first two chapters of The Turning Tide on my…

  • Bitter Night Revisions . . . are done

    I. Am. Tired. But the revisions for Bitter Night are done and winging their way through cyperspace to my editor. I hope she likes. And remarkably, they are on time. Due today, turned in today. Okay, not be 5:00 NY…

  • Bitter Night Revision Update

    So far I’m not nearly as far along on the revisions for Bitter Night as I should be, but I am making progress. What’s interesting is that I’ve cut at least 6K words out (and I’m not quite a third through…