Stepping Out
I’ve been actively attempting to be, oh, active. I’m starting smaller with just making sure I get so many steps each day with no breaks. I set the count a little low (5K) to make sure I can hit it…
Link roundup
I am over the moon to say that Eloisa James likes my books! In an interview, she says so. I’m so very excited!!!! In other news, Path of Fate is on sale this month on Amazon for $1.99. If you…
Trace of Magic on sale today
Hi Everyone! Trace of Magic is $1.99 on sale today on Kindle. I have no idea how long the sale lasts, so grab a copy now, and please tell everybody you know. Link Here.
Sunday sunny Sunday and Trace of Magic is on sale!
This week has been a rollercoaster. We’ve been working on getting Boy of Size into a neuro, which is not so easy, as they seem to have long lines. Same with getting the EEG. He is doing better the last…
Trace of Magic is on sale today
you can get Trace of Magic today on the Kindle Daily Deal! $1.99. If you haven’t read it yet, now’s the time. And spread the word! Let’s see if I can grab up some new readers!
news and news and news and news
Or perhaps just a little news. This last weekend I attended Orycon, which was a lot of fun. My panels mostly went well and I enjoyed them. I got to talk about torture and the woman in the fridge, about…
Friday and yay for that!
Boy made it through the whole week of school. Some sickness, but he has been decently cheery and he’s so welcomed by his teachers. Hopefully he’s making friends again. Girlie, in the meantime, has decided to play the clarinet in…
First Friday of September
The boy’s birthday is tomorrow. I have wrapped things. Probably going to be buying a cake, mostly because I’ve no time to bake. That could change. We’ll see. Boy and girl have also successfully gone to three days of school.…
Contest right now!
Today only! Come on over to Bitten by Books and hang out with me, ask questions, and maybe Win money! Contest is all day today, September 3. And while you’re at it, I’m at The Quillery talking about the magic…
Contest and Trace of Magic!
Bitten By Books is hosting me this Wednesday for a question and answer session and a contest. You can go now to start grabbing extra entries. You could win Amazon bucks! Tell a friend!