• Pardon the dust

    I’ve been still trying to deal with so much this summer I haven’t been here much. Primarily, my parents had a house fire and we’ve been trying to get things taken care of, but a major problem is that the…

  • A snippet and an announcement

    First this announcement. Path of Fate has been included in a Humble Bundle with some amazing company. Octavia Butler, Kate Eliot, Elizabeth Hand, Robin McKinley, among others. It’s an amazing bundle and you should definitely have a look.    …

  • Talking about the Rogue Mage world

    So as you might have heard (because I’ve been shouting about it), I have a short story, Ashes and Dust, in the soon-to-be-released Trials: A Rogue Mage anthology. Faith Hunter wrote three novels about Thorn St. Croix. She’s a neomage…

  • I just . . . can’t, plus cool stuff

    I’ve run across things that are just no. No no no. And yet funny. And just interesting. So first, VI Poo. The catchphrase is: “Even VIPs need to poo.” And also, “it traps the evil smell of your devil’s donuts.”…

  • Westercon Schedule

    I’m going to be at Westercon 69 this weekend. If anybody out there plans to be there, here’s where I’ll be: Diana Pharaoh Francis Reading Madison Fri Jul 1 4:00:pm – 4:30:pm Autographs Fri Jul 1 5:00:pm – 6:00:pm Get…

  • Miscon and black eyes

    Just got back from Montana. Specifically, went to Miscon, the absolutely best con in the world. Well run, and fun people. Love it. I had to miss last year and was so sad about that. Justin Barba–the Con chair–runs a…

  • Surprise giveaway!

      In honor of the release of Whisper of Shadows in two days (April 22), I want to give away 4 e-copies of The Incubus Job. All you’ve got to do is leave a comment in this post. And a…

  • What needs to get done

    You’ll notice that the title is in passive voice so no one actually is implicated in the doing. I have to write a bio for my husband for a con. He’s going to be on a panel about being married…