Book Sale for You!
I’m a member of the Bookview Café coop. Right now and until January 1st, you get 1/2 off ebooks from all the authors on the site, including me. There are some fabulous offerings there. I hope you can grab a…
Flights of Foundry Free Conference
Flights of Foundry is an international conference that takes places twenty-four hours a day so no matter what time zone you’re in, there’s something good for you to experience. I participated last year and have a number of panels this…
Free Conference On Writing!
I’m taking part in a free conference on writing hosted by Weeknight Writers. It’s titled Storycrafting Sessions: Drafting. It’s a day long and I’m on the last panel, which is about how to craft a satisfying ending. While we all…
Book Giveaway! Enter to Win
Yep, you can win books and an e-reader. All you have to do is CLICK HERE and you’ll go to the sign up page. Good luck!
About Me and About Patreon and my Patreon Tiers: I’m looking for feedback
Hello Everyone! I have been doing a lot of work on myself of late through therapy, and through this class I’m taking from Becca Syme, which helps identify my personal strengths and weakness as a writer and learn to lean…
Writing The Elf Job
So you may have noticed The Elf Job is now out. I can’t tell you how glad I am to have it off my plate. It was a really difficult book to write for several reasons. The first is that…
Time to get down and dirty with your Dirty Deeds Anthology
Time to get down and dirty with your Dirty Deeds Anthology! It’s confession time. I didn’t quite get Elf Job finished in time for this release. I’m hoping like hell to get it to you in the next few days,…
Dirty Deeds Gonna Get Done!
Are you ready for it a fabulous book? Let’s whet your appetite if not. Here are TWO snippets, one from Devon Monk, one from Faith Hunter. You’re going to love them! And at the bottom of this post, you’ll have…
Book Release Day!!
Today is the release of Putting the Fun in Funeral, book 1 of my Everyday Disasters series. Click the link to read the first chapter. I love this book. I had such a good time writing it. I let things…
A giveaway
Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Day! In honor of the season, I am going to giveaway a $50 Amazon card. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by December 31st. Thank you…