Doing Stuff
I like to go to estate sales. They sell all sorts of things that either I want and didn’t know it, wanted and didn’t want to pay full price, or stuff that’s interesting but I don’t want. My favorite thing…
Diamond City Magic #4 Snippet
Here’s a snippet from Diamond City Magic #4: Questions bubbled in his mind. Pointless and useless. He had no idea who’d taken him, how, or why, or where they were taking him. Had they harmed Christina? By God, but the…
I am owned by dogs. I admit this. Corgi boys. They pretty much make me do whatever they want. Lately, they hear sirens and they want to howl. But it isn’t enough that they howl by themselves. Oh, no. They…
The Incubus Job release is only a couple weeks away
I’m getting nervous, but the good news is that as of today, preorder links are up at Smashwords and Kobo. I’m hoping to have Nook and iBooks up within a few days. Go to the Incubus page for direct links.…
What I wonder
I was wondering today if, in Stairway to Heaven, when Robert Plant sings “There’s a feeling I get, when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving,” whether that is perchance a reference to the Grey…
The aftermath
A rain storm moved in just in time for trick or treating in our neighborhood and even though usually we get swarmed by kids getting driven into our neighborhood and so on (last year we ended up with 200), this…
Diamond City Magic Book 3 snippet
This is the opening. It has spoilers. Don’t read it if you haven’t read book two, or do, if you don’t care about spoilers.
*gnashing teeth*
Today has been a crappy writing day. And by that, I mean I hardly got anywhere. Lots of typing and erasing and doubting and, well, see the title of his post. I did write a little bit I do like,…
Progress made
You may not know this, but the third Diamond City Magic book is due at the end of this month. And I’m yanking my hair out. Mostly because where I thought it was going to end isn’t going to be…
days pass
This weekend we took my dad to the emergency room to get his foot checked out. He’d had an infection that wasn’t getting better. So they did an ultrasound and no clots. Gave him more antibiotics and he seems to…