The Winner
Wow, you all made that a really difficult contest. I had a tough time picking a winner, but I decided on Ken because I loved the story and it totally made me think about those summers nights when I was…
Oscars and the writing business
I did not watch the Oscars. I wish I could see just the musical performances. Those I would have liked to have seen. And heard. How about the rest of you. Did you watch? Was there anything you really enjoyed?…
Taxes and nutty old men and their socks
Every year I vow to do a better job of organizing tax information/financial information, as well as keeping it updated. I did a pretty good job for a little while last year, and then . . . stopped. Today I…
I don’t know what happened to me this morning. I passed out after I sent the kids to school and slept for three hours. Three. Hours. WTF? I then managed to get some laundry done and cleaned the fish tank…
Things that infuriate
I was checking out my stats today on my blog, and it was disheartening, nay infuriating, to discover that several people had found my website by searching for free versions (aka pirated versions) of my books. I’m assuming that after…
How a book is born
This is an infographic on how a book is born. Beverage warning.
Questions to ask an agent, part III
All this is probably very meandery (which today is a word), but I’m sort of giving you the benefit of my experience, and I’m sort of wandering from topic to topic as they occur. So let’s start today with the…
Questions to ask an agent part II
So last time I waxed on about finding an agent who’s a good fit. There are a lot of stories out there about agents who don’t fit well and how writers are afraid to “break-up” with them for fear of…
Questions to ask an agent, part I
So Amy in the previous post’s questions, asked what questions I asked my agent. That was more than ten years ago and while some of those would be the same, many would be different now because the publishing world has…