New Stuff on Patreon
I want to drop this in here really quickly in case you want to be there for the Zoom call: I finished a flash piece on Patreon and will be hosting a writing Zoom call on Thursday, April 20, at…
It’s March and It’s Rainowing Here in the PNW
Yep, we have rain and snow and rain-snow and snow-rain. At least I got the dogs out to run today without a ton of falling wetness. Go me! My taxes are nearly done. And by that I mean nearly organized…
Why Do You Read My Books
I want to know why readers read my books so that I can figure out ways to get my books into new readers' hands: why do you read my books
Advice to Writers
The featured image is just one of the little promo ads I made. I’ve been enjoying playing with the app and getting some promo out of it. This is my last week of teaching for a little while. I love…
It isn’t avoidance if it’s important to do
Who am I kidding? Of course it is. But anyhow, I was supposed to be working on a story today, which I did a little, but I needed to put together an image to advertise The Incubus Job. It needed…
Writing in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world
This is oh so cool and now I can make the announcement: Have you read Faith Hunter‘s Rogue Mage series? If not, you should. It is an amazing trilogy. Except . . . There’s news. The trilogy is getting…
It’s Coming
March 1st. More info when I’ve got it. The Incubus Job It’s tough to have a conscience when you kill for a living. So six years ago, Mallory Jade gave up killing. Now she’s a fixer. Got a problem with…
A Horngate Witches Announcement
I’m super pleased and over the moon to be able to tell you that Samhain Publishing has contracted to publish two more books in the Horngate Witches series! The titles will be Bone Dreams and Stone Thaw. I’ll be writing…
Gender, writing, SFWA
Tonight I was talking to my husband about gender. He says, why should the woman (on the TV) call herself transgender? She’s a woman now, why not just call herself a woman? That’s what she is, isn’t it? I pointed…
The Cipher
I finished my revision of The Cipher for reissue and sent it off to my editor. I feel like I made HUGE changes, and yet, most of the book is the same. The changes are minor, and yet I feel…